Therapeutic Biofield Tuning



Biofield Tuning is a type of energy work. A certified practitioner purposefully enters into the electromagnetic field of the client with the intention of finding areas of stuck energy. The practitioner uses specially designed tuning forks to detect areas in the field that are out of harmony. These spots may sound like static or buzzing, they may be sharp or shrill, or they may be muffled as though the vibration is being sucked right out of the fork. When those spots are encountered, the practitioner will assess whether they need to be dissolved, resolved or moved in order for that spot to become harmonized once again. Harmonizing these spots of dissonance helps to release energy blockages in the body. When energy blocks dissolve and begin to move through the body, the natural flow of life-force energy is restored. This results in deep relaxation which facilitates healing.

This unique modality was created by my teacher, Eileen Day-McKusick, author of the book Tuning the Human Biofield, over 20 years ago. She has since dedicated her life to studying and understanding the vibrational interaction between body and Universe.  She started the Biofield Tuning Institute, which states on their webpage:

“The Biofield Tuning Institute was founded to conduct quantitative and qualitative research on the Biofield Tuning method as well as to develop a technology, Biofield Sonography, that is based on the premises of the Biofield Tuning process. BTI is a Vermont based 501(c)3 non-profit. Our mission is:

To demonstrate the viability of Biofield Tuning as a simple and effective method to treat a variety of ailments including but not limited to pain, anxiety, depression, and PTSD, and to develop the tools, technology and training to expand its use. Additionally, to participate in the scientific and academic advancement of Biofield Science.

Biofield Tuning, as practiced for over two decades by Eileen Day McKusick, involves the application of tuning forks both on the body and in regions surrounding the body to aid in the identification and treatment of a wide range of clinical conditions. Identification is determined by the perceived patterns of interaction between body emissions and the overtones and undertones produced by the tuning fork, whereby specific harmonic patterns relate to specific conditions.” 

At GOOD VIBES you will only ever be worked on by a Certified Therapeutic Biofield Tuning Practitioner who has earned their certification at the Biofield Tuning Institute in Burlington, Vermont and been personally taught and certified by Eileen Day McKusick herself.

**CLICK HERE** to see a video of Eileen Day McKusick talk about this amazing work!

Learn more about energy healing here.

Contact Good Vibes to receive a Therapeutic Biofield Tuning.  Distance sessions available.

You can email me at with any questions

or call (860) 389-0501

$80 per one hour session