Are You Getting Enough Vitamin G?

A case for grounding


I have been encountering a lot of information recently about the subject of grounding, or as it is becoming more popularly known – earthing.

To put it simply, grounding/earthing means getting our body – specifically our hands and feet – in touch with the ground or earth. Pretty basic, right? And according to the experts on the subject, the more often we do this, the better.

OK, cool. But why do we want to do this? Especially if it’s the dead of winter? And what benefits could we expect to receive if we were willing to stick our tootsies in the grass, sand or snow? (There are many ways to ground your energy in the winter without freezing your tuchis off.  I’ll get to that later.)

Let us begin with the understanding that a normal, healthy body is in a negatively ionized state. The average American body, however, is usually in a positively ionized state since it is continually subjected to an onslaught of positive ions from the massive amount of electronically generated EMF’s (electromagnetic fields) surrounding us almost every minute of the day. EMF’s are emitted by cell towers, cell phones, computers, power lines, WiFi routers, hairdryers, refrigerators, microwaves, fluorescent lights, fax/copy/scanners and even baby monitors. Anything that emits electricity will emit an electromagnetic field.

EMF’s cause our bodies to enter into a positively ionized state. (Positive ions, cations, +ions, and free radicals are all the same thing.) When our bodies soak up these positive ions from the EMF signals it creates an abundance of ROS (reactive oxygen species) free radicals in our bodies. By now we all know that too many free radicals results in premature aging and disease.  The excessive free radicals rummage through our bodies scavenging for negatively charged electrons to pair with, stealing them from healthy cells, causing an electron deficiency. An electron deficiency will cause our bodies to become positively ionized. Because our bodies are in a healthy state when we have plenty of negative ions in our bodies, the lack of negative ions created by EMF/ free radicals jeopardizes our health. (Some free radicals in our bodies are necessary and not a bad thing.  They get their electron fix from unstable or sick cells, bacteria or other pathogens.)

An abundance of free radicals in our bodies results in an electron deficiency, which then leads to inflammation. Being in a positively ionized state causes inflammation. If the levels of positive ions or free radicals stays at a high level or increases, so does inflammation.  Over time chronic inflammation leads to disease.

Leading experts in molecular and epidemiological research have recently concluded that chronic inflammation is the root of most, if not all, disease.

Yup. You read that right. I’m not exaggerating. Inflammation is now understood to be the root cause of not only obvious inflammatory responses like allergies, coeliac, arthritis, ulcers, Crohn’s, asthma, hepatitis and sinusitis. But also diabetes (both Type 1 and Type 2), muscular sclerosis, depression, Alzheimer’s, coronary disease, cardiovascular disease, sleep disorders, and cancer. Yes, even the dreaded Big C.

The good news is that there is a continuous flow of electrons coming to us on solar winds from the sun, entering the ionosphere and penetrating the earth via lightning strikes. Each time lightening strikes the ground it transfers a negative charge. Considering that there is a relatively constant rate of lightening strikes around the world at any given moment (approximately 100 per second, causing the earth itself to vibrate at 7.83 Hz, creating what is known as the Schumann Resonance) the Earth maintains a constant negative charge.  This means that Mother Earth has a lot of extra negatively charged ions that She is more than happy to share with us.

This also means that sweet Mother Earth is the greatest anti-inflammatory that we could ask for.

All we have to do is get our bare feet on the ground.

If you can’t do that, wrap your bare arms and hands around a tree. 

And, yes, I did just suggest that being a tree-hugger is good for your health

Because our bodies are more electrical than chemical, grounding/earthing is basically fundamental physics. The Earth and the human body are both capable of conducting electricity. When two opposite forces (Earth – negative, modern body – positive) come in contact with each other there is an instantaneous transfer of electrons in order for the two forces to equilibriate to the same electrical potential. At this point, positively charged ions (free radicals) are decreased, as are pain and inflammation, as the +ions are rapidly discharged from the body into the ground.

Cardiologist Dr. Stephen Sinatra released a video for Ecohealth Labs on the subject of bioenergetics, the study of energy transformation. He explained that because the heart is an electrical organ with its own intelligence and its own biofield (a natural, biological electromagnetic field capable of sending, receiving and storing information) it is the most susceptible to disruption through outside electrical forces (EMF’s) but also the organ most immediately impacted by harmonious vibration (like that from the Earth).

Laura Koniver, MD, also known as the Intuition Physician, states that connecting to the Earth has immediate benefits:

1 second – brainwaves change, pain levels shift, muscle tension drops instantly and measurably

A few minutes – medical studies have shown positive impact on metabolic function, blood viscosity and oxygenation, vascular and organ functions

Hours – boosted thyroid function, lowered cortisol levels, decreased osteoporosis indicators (Over 22 peer-reviewed studies have conclusively shown that inflammation is reduced after only 2 hours of Earthing )

Days – lower inflammatory markers, increased resistance to stress, reduction in body-wide pain, increased adaptability and accelerated healing.

Years – anti-aging and anti-cancer benefits

Overall, studies employing randomized, controlled, double-blind methodology have shown that having your feet in regular contact with the Earth results in:

  • improved glucose regulation
  • normalized cortisol rhythm
  • improved adrenal health
  • deeper sleep
  • shortened recovery time from illness
  • improved blood flow
  • heightened immunity
  • decreased muscle tension
  • reduced pain
  • accelerated healing of injuries
  • improved blood viscosity
  • reduced stress
  • increase in heart rate variability
  • stimulated autonomic nervous system
  • reduced inflammation

So, if you are exhibiting any symptoms of poor health, grounding is a simple and pleasurable way to reduce those symptoms and start you on a path to feeling better.  And if you are healthy as a horse, grounding is still good for you as it promotes feelings of relaxation and serenity.  Who couldn’t use a little more of that?