Distance Healing

“The greatest illusion of this world is the illusion of separation. Things you think are separate and different are actually one and the same.”  – Guru Pathik

For thousands of years, healers in every culture on earth have engaged in a practice now known as distance healing. These age-old shaman sent loving, healing energy to a distant patient which ignited a spontaneous healing response in the recipient.  These ancient doctors knew that healing at a distance is possible because the energy that permeates and IS the Universe, connects and resides in every single one of us. Over 500 years ago, Leonardo da Vinci wrote, “Realize that everything connects to everything else.” Today, quantum physics has proved that we are all one and that, through quantum entanglement, each of us has the ability to affect another, even if we are a great distance apart. Author Dan Goldberg writes, “We are all connected. That is reality. Our energy is in constant flow…through and between all of us and everything else in the universe.”  Through focused intention in a meditative state, a healer can focus on the recipient and detect what is imbalanced.  The healer is then able to send positive, healing vibrations to the client, facilitating the removal of energy blockages and increasing the flow of healing energy.

“Our separation from each other is an optical illusion of consciousness.” – Albert Einstein

Available for distance healing:

Therapeutic Biofield Tuning

Chakra Balancing

Reiki Healing

Adrenal Reset

These sessions are available to everyone, at any time, regardless of distance.  Click on link to choose a time and book a session.

Learn more about energy healing here.

Gridding is also available to all, no matter where you live.  The protocol is a bit different, though.  The stones and crystals for the grid are chosen for you based on your desired outcome and they are then imbued with positive intention after they are energetically cleansed.  The grid is then designed and activated in a sacred space where it resides for 24 hours as it stews in positive energy.  A photograph is taken of the grid before it is disassembled and sent to you. An email will arrive to let you know that your gridding stones are on their way and the photo is attached so you will know how to recreate the grid.  When you receive the stones and crystals you will also receive instructions on how to arrange and activate the grid so that you may achieve your desired goal.

Please contact me at GoodVibesHeal@gmail.com or                    call 860-389-0501  for more information