About Me

About me.

Christine Lorentzen

Certified Biofield Tuning Practitioner

Reiki Master


After being diagnosed with fibromyalgia at a young age, I began to look for ways to deal with the dis-ease in ways that conventional medicine did not offer.  The desire to free myself from pain led me to study yoga and meditation in depth; two crucial practices that persuaded me to trust my inner wisdom.  Curiosity then compelled me to research chakras, chanting, herbs, essential oils, visualization, proper nutrition, wellness coaching, sound healing, touch therapy and Reiki.  In an effort to take my wellness into my own hands, I have been studying natural health for over 20 years.  I have been able to live a pain-free and pharmaceutical-free life for over 15 years.

The discovery of Tuning the Human Biofield fueled my fascination with vibrational healing and led me to seek out the author of the book, Eileen Day-McKusick, in an attempt to learn more about the incredible modality she was researching.  Becoming certified as a biofield tuning practitioner in 2015 finally allowed me to move from talking about wellness with my clients as a coach, to actually being able to make a tangible difference with every session.

My goal is to offer help to all those who are experiencing physical and/or emotional disharmony in their lives and bring them back into balance.  With Biofield Tuning, the static and dissonance of our jangled energy is naturally returned to a more harmonious frequency through the science of vibrational entrainment.  This allows a smooth flow of energy to assist in releasing tension, stagnation and energy blocks.  When we are able to experience an uninterrupted flow of life force energy throughout our body and biofield, we are better able enjoy the fullness of our lives.